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Jahrgang 26 (2015), Ausgabe 2

Focus on 21st Century Studies. Focus Editor: Julia Hoydis

Table of Contents

Table of Contents open-access

Focus on 21st Century Studies. Focus Editor: Julia Hoydis

Introduction open-access

Julia Hoydis

Seite 5 - 13

Fears of the Now open-access

Globalisation in Jonathan Franzen's ‘Freedom’ and Zia Haider Rahman's ‘In the Light of What We Know’

Nicholas Stavris

Seite 15 - 28

Illegitimate Fictions open-access

The Illegitimate Child in Neo-Victorian Fiction

Louisa Hadley

Seite 29 - 45

"My claim is on the ground of justice, not legality" open-access

P.D. James's Equitable Perspective On Crime

Sidia Fiorato

Seite 47 - 57

The Climate of Literature open-access

English Studies in the Anthropocene

Roman Bartosch

Seite 59 - 70

Fantastically Hybrid open-access

Race, Gender, and Genre in Black Female Speculative Fiction

Julia Hoydis

Seite 71 - 88

The Anatomy of Realism open-access

Cervantes, Coetzee and Artificial Life

Peter Boxall

Seite 89 - 103

21st-Century American Poetry in the Anglosphere open-access

Charles Legere

Seite 105 - 112

Digital Textuality, Writing and New Media open-access

Paul Longley Arthur

Seite 113 - 123

Language and Communication in Computer-Mediated Contexts open-access

A Rich and Challenging Research Field

Miriam Locher

Seite 125 - 137

Literary Markets and Literary Property open-access

Sarah Brouillette, Christopher Doody

Seite 139 - 148

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